Air Strip Permissions

The club often conducts open-to-all star parties, usually at the Air Strip. To conduct similar events at the Air Strip, you need certain permission, since it is a quite a huge event. The procedure for the same is as follows:

  • Drop an email to the Chief Engineer of the Air Strip, elaborating on the event you wish to conduct, the timings of the same, enquiring about the availability and requesting his permission. At the time of writing, the Chief Engineer of the Air Strip is Mr. Vipul Mathur (
  • Send an email to the Faculty In-Charge of the Air Strip (usually a professor of the AeroSpace department), explaining the event and the tentative timings of it, requesting his permission for conducting the event, with CC to the Chief Engineer. At the time of writing, the Faculty In-Charge of the Air Strip is Dr. G M Kamath (
  • Once you’ve obtained both the permissions, write an email to the Dean of Students’ Affairs ( via the General Secretary of the SnT Council (, taking into CC the faculty advisor of the club and attaching the permissions from the Chief Engineer and Faculty In-Charge of the Air Strip and the proposed security guidelines for the event.
  • If there are no issues, you will get an approval from the DoSA, who will send a copy of the security guidelines to the Security Cell (
  • Visit the Security Cell (near MT, on the road from Academic Area to H12) once to confirm the arrangements regarding the events.

There you go, all done! All the best for the event you’re planning to conduct!

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