
AstroQuery is a python package that can be installed using:

pip install astroquery

AstroQuery’s astroquery.mast is a module that can be used to query and access data in the MAST archive.

It offers 3 main services:

  1. MastClass: Allows direct programatic access to the MAST portal. Along with ObservationsClass, it is used to query MAST observational data.
  2. CatalogsClass: Used to query MAST calalog data. The available catalogs include the Pan-STARRS and Hubble Source catalogs along with a few others.
  3. Cutouts: A newer addition to astroquery.mast, it provides access to full-frame image cutouts of Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), MAST Hubble Advanced Product (HAP) and deep-field images, through TesscutClass, HapcutClass and ZcutClass respectively.

Other than this, you can also access MAST data using the MAST API. Read the documentation for more information.

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